ACL tears can be challenging, especially when you are not as active as you once were!dd Check out this weeks blog on what to do after you tear your ACL!

3 Critical Signs of Runner's Knee and How to Fix it
Runner’s Knee is the most prevalent running injury. Learn the three main signals of Runner’s Knee and what you can do to relieve your knee pain.

ACL Tears in Soccer and How to Prevent Them
One of the most common injuries in the soccer field are ACL tears. The ACL stands for the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, which lies in the knee. This ligament is responsible for keeping your knee stable during deceleration and change of direction. ACL tears can knock you out of your sport for up to a year! ( especially if you rehab properly). Check out our blog post on things you can do to prevent ACL tears from happening in the first place!

Why Choose Out-of-Network Physical Therapy??
Why choose an out-of-network physical therapist? Great question! An out-of-network physical therapist is a therapist who has advanced training and specialities that makes them very efficient at getting you better faster, and staying better long term!