How Do I Know If I Have a Tight Pelvic Floor?
How do you know if you have a tight pelvic floor? Dr. Veronica talks about different pelvic floor conditions that might be caused from tightness!
Am I Peeing Too Much?
Do you ever wonder if you are going to the bathroom too much? How much is too much? Do you pee then have to go again 10 minutes later? So many questions! Of course how much you go to the bathroom will depend on how much water you drink, so first let’s clear up how much water you should be drinking. Check out this weeks Alpha Project blog to learn how Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy can help with your bathroom problems!
The Real Danger of Leakage in the Older Adult!
Leakage can be annoying when you're younger, however, did you know this can have potentially life altering and life threatening consequences when you are older? Learn about the dangers of leakage.
The Male Pelvic Floor?
Pain when going to the bathroom? Testicular or penis pain? Leakage? Erectile dysfunction? These are all problems men can have and many times these problems stem from the pelvic floor. Check out this weeks blog post about the male pelvic floor and why your problem might be coming from your pelvic floor!