Physical Therapy Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is an irritation and over use of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is on the bottom of your foot and is a large band that connects your heel bone to the balls of your feet. The plantar fascia give your foot and arch support strength especially the push off phases when walking and running.

Why does plantar fasciitis occur?

Plantar fasciitis is typically felt close to the heel of the foot, but may also be felt farther out into the arch of the foot.  Pain is the most intense after waking up in the morning and after exercise.  However, pain may also be felt during exercise. Plantar fasciitis occurs simply due to over-loading plantar fascia. 

For instance:

  • Weak intrinsic foot muscles

  • Tight heel cord ( calf muscles)

  • Weak heel cord

  • Tight Foot

  • Weak and tight hips (Specifically the Gluteus Maximus)

  • Running form errors

  • Movement errors

Plantar Fasciitis Physical Therapy

If you have plantar fasciitis you should go to physical therapy.   In the meantime, here are some exercises and physical therapy techniques for your plantar fasciitis to get you started in the right direction!

Heel Cord Stretch:

Strengthen Your Foot:

Foot and Plantar Fascia Stretch:

These are some of basic physical therapy techniques, exercises, and stretches that will get you started with plantar fasciitis physical therapy.  Wait you thought we were kidding about going to physical therapy?  Seriously, go to physical therapy.  It’s one thing to Google or YouTube exercises and give them a shot or actually taking your health care seriously and solving your plantar fasciitis!

Physical Therapy Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis:

Treating plantar fasciitis can be complicated. That’s why we recommend you go to a physical therapist. These exercises will work however, a assessment from a physiotherapist will give you a MUCH clearer picture onto what is occurring at your plantar fascia.

How do you find a physical therapist? Type in plantar fasciitis physical therapy near me.  Be careful though, as not all physical therapists are the same.

Our team members at Alpha Project Phyzio see patients, runners, and athletes all the time looking to get over their plantar fasciitis and get back to working out and learn how to take care of their bodies on their own. Click below to speak with movement expert and get started on your plantar fasciitis PT. Our Maryland physical therapy clinic has three locations in Germantown, Frederick, and Columbia.

Reach out for a free consultation to get started.


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