The Effects of Menopause on the Pelvic Floor

Menopause can be a challenging time for many women. Hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and weight gain all come to mind. But there are changes experienced by many women that are less discussed. These changes can include leakage and discomfort with intimacy. The hormonal changes occurring are widespread throughout the body including the pelvic floor. 

  • Leakage: Urinary leakage is one of the main issues seen during the peri-menopausal and menopausal timeframe. Either leakage will increase if the person already has had an issue with this, or leakage will begin to become an issue. Women may wonder why many years after having babies they are just now starting to leak. Urgency and frequency can also accompany this leakage. If the timing matches up, the answer likely lies in the hormones! 

  • Discomfort with intimacy: This is also one of the main issues seen during the perimenopausal and menopausal state. Many women complain of pain, discomfort, dryness, or lack of sensation with intimacy. This is due to the decrease in estrogen levels in the tissues. Estrogen creams or supplements and lubrication can be very helpful, but this does not always fully solve the problem. 

You may be asking yourself, is there anything that can be done about these issues? Do I just have to live with leakage and discomfort for the rest of my life because of my hormones? The answer is, you do not have to just live with these issues! As mentioned above, estrogen supplements and lubrication can help, but pelvic floor physical therapy can fully solve the problems. Many women with leakage benefit from pelvic floor, core, and hip strengthening and coordination exercises. Many women with discomfort with intimacy benefit from internal work and pelvic floor relaxation exercises. Many women have both of these problems and will benefit from a combination of the above mentioned interventions. This is why a full internal and external examination is imperative for best therapy results. If you struggle with peri-menopausal or menopausal changes and are ready to solve your problem, reach out to us and speak with a pelvic floor expert today! 


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