Chronic UTIs: Why Won’t My Symptoms Go Away?

Chronic UTIs can really be a struggle! The burning, discomfort, frequency or hesitancy with urination, and maybe even leakage. Some people experience UTIs once in a while and some people experience them much more frequently. Unfortunately, having a UTI can put you at higher risk to develop another UTI in the future and this can become a vicious cycle. 

Some people find that they still have UTI symptoms even after their infection has been cleared. Let’s take a look at why this could happen: 

  • Burning and discomfort: Burning and discomfort can persist if the pelvic floor muscles have become irritated by the infection and that irritation persists after the infection has been cleared. The burning is likely coming from the more superficial (closer to the outside of your body) muscles of the pelvic floor compared to the deep ones. Many people describe “burning”, “stinging”, or “tearing” sensation when these more superficial muscles are touched. 

  • Frequency or hesitancy with urination: This is also a secondary effect of the lingering irritation of the pelvic floor muscles. The muscles are unhappy and tightened up, so when you try to consciously relax them to urinate it is not that easy. This leads to increased sitting time before the urine stream starts. Since these muscles are unhappy and tightened up, it can also lead to overactivity of the muscles and the feeling that you have to go to the bathroom frequently or all the time. 

  • Leakage: This is also a secondary effect of the lingering irritation in the muscles. Since all the muscles are tightened up, they are not pliable like they should be. So when there is an increased force on them (laughing, coughing, sneezing, etc.) they do not absorb the impact well and this creates overall dysfunction and leakage. 

There are many factors that can contribute to the burning, discomfort, frequency, hesitancy, and leakage after having one or more UTIs. It is important to assess not only externally but also internally to take a look at these problems mentioned above. If you have lingering problems from a UTI or UTIs and are ready to solve your problem, reach out to us and speak with one of our pelvic floor experts today! 


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